Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I'm Going to Make a Pot of Coffee After This Post

"We're not one at a timin' here today, we're mass communicatin'!"
- 'Pappy' O'Daniel

Just another political comment today, and that in pencil. This was written to someone I know online, and, well, there it is. We are now a week away...gonna be a long week.


Word is that the extreme Right, the Evangelical portion, anyway, is behind Palin for 2012. They see her as their last hope to get back into power. Which is interesting, as they are already conceding the election, and that Palin is anyone's "last hope" is just fabulous.

Attacking Muslims is a Republican trick, and a good one. Use a label in a demeaning, negative way long enough and viola!, people have a negative opinion and not even know why. They call that "Rovian" but it's an old strategy. It requires a total lack of self-respect and/or scruples to implement, however.

And Republicans' say "Liberal" like "child molester." It has served them well in the past, even Democrats backed off using the term for years, but seem to be relatively comfortable with it again. But the Socialist stuff is just silly. Just take my word, those of you who disagree. I'm a two time "Socialist Scholar" at the Borough of Manhattan Community College Socialist Scholars' Conference in New York City. My Socialist Party activity has meant living in the margins, politically, since age 17. I'm happy to pay that price, and in return I just happen to know what I'm talking about when it comes to social democracy, Democratic Socialism, Anarcho-Socialism, the whole nut. Nobody in this presidential campaign who has more than 20,000 votes in the entire country is a "Socialist."And 20,000 is being kind.

Obama just isn't a Socialist. An annoying and damaging detail for McCain/Palin.

Republicans think that terrorist and red-baiting and "usage redefinition" of words is a debate of the issues. That's why they're losing in Virginia and Colorado by double digits, states that haven't gone Dem since 1964.

I'm not cocky, though. Hell, I'm gong to vote several times just to make sure my vote is counted. You have to do that these days, you know. As Daley said, "Vote early and often." I think it was Mayor Daley of Chicago. If not, I'll wear a funny hat and sit in the corner.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Worried About Obama

These last days of the campaign are more tense than they should be, at least for me. As I look at Barack Obamas' numbers in states like Ohio, Virginia, Florida and Pennsylvania, thoughts and feelings rise to the surface, or evolve. There is leftover angst, cynicism and anger from 2000 and 2004, and I can't help but fear that something will happen in these final days to put McCain in the White House.

Some Lefties are worried about somebody literally taking a shot at Obama, but that is one of those things that is beyond our control. Political assassination is woven into the fabric of the American political experience, they have repeatedly changed history. We can't ignore that, but unless you're working for the Secret Service, it's not something we can work to prevent. We've learned from Bobby and Jack and Martin, and we must hope we've learned enough.

I'm also inclined to feel that, if such a horrible thing were to happen, McCain and Palin would be partially, if abstractly, to blame. If I said that on a mainstream television show, I'd probably be mocked for it; a paranoid, Socialist radical demonizing the Right. While I'm sure that McCain and Palin are not accomplices to assassination, I can't ignore my deep and profound worry that accusations of being "anti-American" and "a terrorists' friend" have a bit too much emotional currency with many on the Right. And as Obama moves closer and closer to an apparent landslide, it wouldn't surprise me at all if an individual, or even a group, decided to do something about an anti-American about to take office. Would you? Especially when combined with the charge that Obama is a "secret Muslim." The implication being that Muslim=terrorist.

There is such a thing as dangerous rhetoric. Most of us probably know that McCain had to calm a woman down at one of his rallies, a woman deeply upset that a secret Muslim friend with terrorists could win the White House. Depending on how you feel about McCain, you may think that he deserves credit for what he did. Some say that it was a brief flash of the McCain who ran in 2000. Maybe so. Maybe so.

But if McCain is reigning in the mob, Palin is lighting their torches. She isn't a candidate for Vice President, she's a candidate, that's it (see "The Candidate" with Robert Redford). It's an occupational step-up for her, so she wants it. Bad. She attacks the media and Obama, back and forth. To her, "intellectual" is an epithet. Simply put, she is a thug who feels god is on her side. Her rhetoric against the New York Times one day after another compelled someone to send a harmless white powder to that newspaper. It brought back memories of ricin-laced envelopes after 9/11, and caused another bout of deep and profound fear to descend on a newspaper. People with opinions and reporting the news being made to be terrified.

Naturally, Palin can't control all supporters, and if something happens to Obama I wouldn't blame rhetoric alone. But is it so far-fetched so be concerned that a self-described "patriot" may decide to stop an anti-American terrorist consorter from being president? Out of a total lack of any cohesive campaign message that reaches beyond the Far Right, McCain/Palin is/are embracing these shameless attacks. Indeed, if somehow McCain wins, it will be because of the fear and intellectual dishonesty that has become that campaign's "strategy."

So if they may benefit by their hateful, stupid labeling, why not blame them if it gets out of hand? The Republicans are either blind to the hate and ignorance they are tapping into, or are acutely aware of it. Either way, they aren't fit to run anything, let alone a country of 330 million people.

There are echoes of McCarthyism whenever a politician questions the patriotism of another for political gain. Palin has embraced something deeper and more insidious than Red-baiting, she's into creating the illusion of a fundamental division in this country between an American and a "real" American. Her accusations are more toxic than anything old Joe ever cooked up, to the point that she has lost touch with reality. Anyone who disagrees with her Right Wing Evangelism isn't wrong, they are not even a part of the country she is campaigning so hard to lead. That is not only idiotic, but it's dangerous. McCain knows that a line was crossed at many, many rallies, and perhaps a fundamental decency compelled him to apply the brakes. I'm convinced, however, that Palin would not hesitate to say or do anything to get elected. As much as I dislike McCain, I know there is a good man in there with whom I disagree, but a good man nonetheless. And it looks to me that he is struggling with the question of how far to go to get elected. Palin, however, is either a megalomaniac or just an arrogant prick, and she's shockingly stupid. If she can get away with it, she'll do it or say it. The word I'd use is, "reckless."

Remember, if Obama meets an unsavory end, now or at any time in his presidency (if he wins) don't be so quick to join hands with your fellow American Republicans in mourning the tragedy. First ask yourself if some of those "real American" leaders may have contributed to it. American politicians who accuse their colleagues of being anti-American have lost the right to lead all Americans, and that's what a president does. Even the ones he or she doesn't like.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Of Zippy the Pinhead and Cosmic Accidents

One of my proudest moments is having written a Zippy the Pinhead comic strip. About half of it, anyway. I wrote the "script" and sent it to Bill Griffith and voila! When my light goes out I want it chiseled on my tombstone. When I sent an email to Bill Griffith saying that, he seemed...disturbed. But it makes sense that I would be proud of this nonsense. I have 200 pages of an unpublished novel in my closet, countless poems, and a series of articles written for marginal left-wing party organs and magazines.

That's not exactly good enough to be called an "author." The only time I've been paid for my handiwork is when I wrote a paper for a friend at UMass Boston. It was about cellular biology...wasn't even for Theatre Arts or English. Le sigh.

Anyway, that's what I have today. I had to post something because the "Palin" picture is freaking me out. Can't have it sitting there as the first post you see. It's not really Palin. Surprisingly, some of my regular readers think it is her. Hell, what do I know, maybe it is. Maybe it's McCain for all I know. But I put the words on there. It would have to be a cosmic accident. Like Cool Whip or Japanese television.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Courtin' The Electorate

I'm optimistic that Obama is going to win this election, and that scares me. While I was never confident about Kerry in 2004, I did take it for granted that he would win. A form of confidence that leads to madness.

This time around I'm determined to be cautious in my optimism.

Still, there is a stubborn, bedrock faith that I have in my fellow Americans that will not die despite it's lack of justification.

In other words, Americans simply cannot be so stupid as to fall for McCain and Palin's nonsense. William Ayers? Are you fucking kidding me? Palling around with terrorists? Oi vey.

Friday, October 03, 2008

You're Darn Tootin' Palin Sucked!

I'm not going to say a great deal about the Vice Presidential debate last night, which is a mercy both to you and myself. Darren the Merciful! But I will say that (big surprise) Biden cleaned Palin's proverbial clock, as she went down a list of memorized responses so tenaciously that it required her to ignore the actual questions. When Biden said that Cheney is, "The most dangerous VP in American history" I swooned. His comment about being a single parent after his wife and son were killed in a car crash was a direct hit on Palin's "hockey mom" malarkey.

Basically, Palin's expectations were so low that all she had to do was talk. Preferably about politics. That's it. That's both a joke and, in my opinion, an accurate analysis of what happened last night. But if you look beyond the folksy nonsense (Joe Six Pack? Come on) what you'll find in Palin is a cute Fascist. Think about it. She loves capitalism and the free market, wants to reduce freedom (no more abortion rights), and wants to go to war with everyone without even talking to them first; Iran, Darfur, Pakistan, Russia and probably Australia.

I submit that ANYONE who wants to cut funding for every social program (and nail the poor) and increase military spending and adventures should NEVER use a phrase like "doggone it." Then she spoke past the moderator and via "straight talk" talked to "the people" I'm sure the douchebags out there who think the media is run by Liberal Jews just ate it up.

Of course the media is actually run by a conspiracy of internationalist Communists hell-bent on making us all read "Family Circus."

Last night, I had a dream. Palin was president and Commander-In-Chief and just cut Social Security and Medicare. Strangely, or appropriately, she insisted on telling everyone in person that their benefits were cut. Thus, she knocked on my door and I looked through my little eye-hole, and had to let her in. "Hi there! Are you Darren W. Lyle?" I nodded, and she continued, "Well that's super! Just want to let you know that, doggone it, your benefits were cut, and you betcha it didn't happen a moment too soon!"

At that point, I strangled her to death. The end.

I told you it was a dream, not a nightmare. Onward!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Of Voids and 300 Yards To My New Toilet

A voice whispering, not into my ears but into my mind. Whomever is behind the voice is relating a bitter fact (it is presented as one) about my life. The thought enters my mind and instantly makes a home, among self-loathing, guilt, disgust, depression, and then goes deeper to find dark thoughts of suicide, and even murder. Specific memories related to these general feelings begin to percolate to the surface, where the whispered idea will find an ally in the simple goal of becoming the predominate thought in my mind.

The whispered fact is but 10 words, and it is a fact about life, death, and religion. Mel Gibson once said that, "Life is a shit sandwich for everyone, the only difference is some get more bread." But beyond the shit sandwich that is life, there are some mighty fine moments sprinkled about. Falling in love has to be among the greatest and most enjoyable experiences in the universe. And how easily does such a wonderful thing turn to unspeakable pain. The heat that kept you warm suddenly burns you horribly.

She said to me loudly near the Park St. T stop, "Thankfully, life is fragile and it should be over soon!" loudly because there was a band playing nearby, we were at some sort of protest. We were together for a month before breaking up, and I spent my weekends at her place in Revere, very close to the sea. It was autumn. The smell of the see helped us create the illusion that we were hidden away, and it was seemingly always overcast. We were celebrating surrender and welcoming death, which is wrong when one is only 26. She was even younger. It was my idea to break up, but she was not surprised or hurt. For various reasons, it was a hard relationship on both of us. Two dead ends trying to find a way out. We were both carrying a torch for someone else, as they say.

There were two phone conversations after that day on Beacon Hill, but that was the very last time I saw her, saying that. Such nihilism. A variation on that question that can't be put into words has soaked into my brain and distracted my mind. No self defense exists against depression or isolation or whatever other crazy shit I feel.

Nothing but the void.

I will survive this bout of melancholy. This is my time of year, after all. The cold weather cools my brain, like a cold snap makes the local dump less fetid. Or something. And the occasional smell of the ocean that reaches my flat is rife with a million different meanings and feelings, I have but to choose.

A lack of enthusiasm for life is embarrassing to a thinking person, as life is rare, and at worst interesting. It makes sense to live life to the fullest, and all that shit, until the big finale. The "Big Finale" for most of us is a heart attack, but cancer gets a lot of us, too. Accidents are statistically less common, but still it's a good chance you'll die in one.

Anyway, I have trouble keeping my eye off the void, of not thinking of what that girl said almost 10 years ago this fall. And life is easy for me, relatively, compared to most human beings. Even so, there is so much pain and fear and anxiety and guilt. And everything beautiful, like music and romantic love, will end one day, never to be experiences or appreciated again. I'm trying to keep that thought from ruining my enjoyment of living, and I've been successful. Love is perhaps the very best thing, and Tchaikovsky's violin concerto is a mighty fine group of sounds.

Just yesterday we found out that the House of Four Cats will be moving, about 300 yards south-west. It will be a lovely new flat with all sorts of modern conveniences, like a "toilet" or "seat of ease" as it's called elsewhere. Also, a device that allows you to shower your body with water, thus cleaning it and making it less offensive to others. Also, electric lights, a new stove and a state-of-the-art doorbell. When you press it, Die Internationale plays.

November 19th Oh, fuck!