I saw the ad on the right in a The Boston Phoenix Erosphere, a place where people find each other for, you know, a good time. The first thing that comes to mind when I look at this ad, which is for a website where fellas can hook up, is that context is everything. Yes, a "hard man" can be a good thing within the context of a delightful sexual romp (four stars!). But a hard man is the last thing you want to find under your bed, or leering at you while Iron Butterfly's In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida blares in the background. And such a man can blind a midget if he is not careful.
Actually, you never really want anyone leering at you.
Man, what a strange mood. I really have a lot to talk about tonight, as I enjoy talking to myself. For example, at some point I'm going to rave about how people on the left repeatedly make the mistake of underestimating the intelligence of right-wing bananas. We shouldn't do that. These are the people who successfully painted John Kerry as a coward and George Bush as a stalwart military leader. They're not stupid, they just have no moral scruples, dignity or compassion. They are also selectively ignorant, that's not the same as stupid. They just don't like to incorporate reality into their world-view...it irritates them. How else could you explain shock and awe or Intelligent Design? Or Ann Coulter, for that matter. If we're going to pry power away from these chickenhawk lunatics, we have to stop thinking of them as ignorant hicks.
So there's that. And this election in Mexico is pissing me off. And why is foam flying off the space shuttle? It's not even moving. And what's the deal with Star Jones? What did she do to become famous? While I'm flinging my opinions out into the zeitgeist, or amonst the zeitgeist, I'd like to make it known that I think Joe Lieberman of Connecticut is a total douchebag. Oh, and the chicken pot pie at Harrows' looks really good.
OK, I'll stifle.
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