It's a rainy day here in Boston, and I have one of those dreadful migraine headaches that serves to make it very clear how fragile are we humans. We are all at the mercy of genetics, germs, viruses, and all sorts of other things that we can't see. Filthy buggers. Those of you who know me know that I've undergone test after test in an etiological bender that has not revealed the cause of my aching cranium. That's true of most people with my affliction, so I pop a Zomig and take a nap. I'm enjoying the rain, though.
Before I rest my weary, though, I wanted to write about Hugo Chavez for a bit. As everyone knows by now, he rather bluntly revealed in his UN speech this week that our president is the Prince of Darkness, aka Beelzebub, aka The Devil. Some Americans were upset by this, mostly politicians who have a Pavlovian response to any anti-American comment. New York Congressman Charles B. Rangel went bananas in a videotaped response, saying that he was upset that anyone would personally attack the president. In a written response, however, Rangel (who represents Harlem, the beneficiaries of cheap, Venezuelan oil) said:
"I feel that I must speak out now since the Venezuelan government has been instrumental in providing oil at discounted prices to people in low income communities who have suffered increases in rent as heating oil prices have risen sharply. By offering this benefit to people in need, Venezuela has won many friends in poor communities of New York and other states. I am surprised that American oil companies have not stepped up to provide that kind of assistance to the poor."
I think that this pretty well sums up how most lefties feel about Chavez this week. Yes, it is unlikely that Bush is El Diablo, and Chavez really belted his insults out to the back row. But there's no denying that Bush is a lesser demon of some kind, and that the United States is behaving in an evil fashion. Why quibble over how wicked is Bush and nefarious are his plots and schemes? Let's just make a "big-tent" appeal here and simply point out that Bush is either evil, or a hideous man-child who is retarded and/or psychotic. We can all agree on that! The disagreement here is over the cause of his horrible actions, but that's just a detail.
As an atheist, I have to go with the latter assessment. Chavez apparently has a Christian worldview, and there is not a thing wrong with that. The man smelled sulfur and put 2+2 together. And I can't prove that Bush is not the devil. Whatever he is, it ain't good. And when a man is trying to fuck up the world and kill people, it doesn't matter if you call him The Devil, a boob, or Rin Tin Tin, he must be stopped, regardless.
Think beyond the labels, people, and agree on the principle. That's my take, anyway. So I applaud Chavez and Vice Presidente Harry Belafonte. And as us Massachusetts "commies" did last year, we'll take some of that reduced-price oil again. And don't worry about the Citgo sign in Kenmore Square, it's not going anywhere. Keep up the good work!
Off to bed.
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