It's Friday, January 11th, so it must be time for Darren's Post-Surgery Hullabaloo and Empty Sack Attack! Whooohoooo! The surgery went very well, and despite some achey pain and a very sore crotch, I'm doing fine. And I have Vicodin, so there's that. Unlike most hullabali, my hulabaloo isn't much of a party. It's just me and the cats and a lot of phone calls, emails, and later World of Warcraft and Civilization IV. But it is a bit of a celebration. I'm psyched about not having that constant, mildly-irritating testicle pain just radiating around my fat body all the time. It felt like I was making a pearl down there. It's also good to know that I'll be alive and well when my father goes into surgery on February 16 for an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
The Empty Sack Attack party that I arranged for tonight will, of course, take place without me. That's was the plan, and naturally I can't dance. I can barely walk. So if you know how to get it kickin', you're invited out to Venu on Warrenton St. in the Theatre District. If I know DJ Roger M like I think I do, the place will be jammin' and smokin' with hotties all night long. In my honor, he's going to spin some old school rap and techno that will knock your balls off. Just be warned that it's not easy getting past the velvet rope at Venu, so drop a name bomb. Just say you're there for the Empty Sack Formal. If they still give you a hard time, drop my spinmeister name, Floatin' Fattie. Man, it just brings back so many memories of when I was a club rat on da Boston scene. Spank it up, flip it, rub it down, oh nooooooo!
Still can't get it? You must be ugly or without style. If that's the case, just go fling some sweat at The Roxy.
Peace out.
i love you, you big ball-less wonder!
i would have loved to have known you in your club rat days.
I love you, too, man!
Testodomao, giosal mondeveccust nel jova um... Reg brecoi distonossimo. Que yorzen veza rimiriterr yakontinhe accupada zite inde, in, imos noni! Fostro hij hanzatas aritri, ja no buraccisam amotolicarat. Gautoltr xada yortezando querreixagez ya zilidi yo!
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