The world entire needs to be pounded flat, set on fire, swept into a pile, burned again, and then cast into the air and blown back to the four courners. Shiva is the Hindu God of Destruction. Does anyone know his email? Or how about the White Lady, the Celtic Dryad of death, destruction and annihilation? A person like that must be be easy to find. Most mainstream religions have an end of the world story that could be made into an exciting movie, perhaps starring Keanu Reeves. The Bible's followers are a sorry lot who can't shut the fuck up about how we will all be judged soon, and that Christ is coming back, and all that. From Matthew 13:40-43:
Just as the weeds are collected and burned up with fire, so will it be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will collect out of his kingdom all causes of sin and all evildoers, and they will throw them into the furnace of fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Let anyone with ears listen!
The Q'uran, another book of fables that people like to take rather seriously, tells us that all humans who have ever lived will stand before God and be judged worthy of eternal reward in Heaven or eternal damnation in Hell (Surah 39:60-75). I'm not sure when that this nonsense is to occur. Holy books are always a bit fuzzy on the details, particularly regarding the date for this sequestration.
Every religion talks a good game about the end of life and the end of it all. But as far as I can tell, human beings die in exactly the same way that animals do. We go stiff and bug-eyed and stop having to pee or pick our nose. Pretty soon, we start to stink up the place. If we don't get buried, the maggots move in and we develop the texture of Jell-O. Usually we're spared that spectacle via the funerary arts.
But the end I'm looking for is the end of it all. No more George Fucking Bush, no more Bob's furniture stores, or Rick Santorum, or Bill O'Reilly, or Focus on the Family, or NRA, or Cato Institute, or religion, or Donald Trump, or South Dakota, or Wall Street, or brain freeze, or Jeff Jacoby, or Bruce Tinsley, or Katherine Harris, or Anne Coulter, or The O.C., or anything. Anything.
Let's just start over the same way we did before. Only this time, no human beings. What a marvelous success it would be without human beings to fuck things up. We have a lot to offer, yes I know. But I've thought about it...all the good and all the bad we do. And the world is better off without us. Yup.
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