Just a couple of thoughts this morning, hopefully amusing and of no consequence. I did a wash earlier and one of my white shirts came out of the dryer smelling like something I've never smelled before, and it wasn't a good thing. It wasn't particularly bad, either. So mysterious. But that's what you get for forgetting to use fabric softener.
See what I mean by, "...of no consequence."?
I'm going to go on record and say that James Blunt, the singer, is the sexiest bastard I've ever seen. I'm man enough to say that, yes I am. I'm beautiful, it's true. That's a picture of him on the right, of course. There's a commercial for a collection for love songs that uses his glorious kisser to push CD's. Look at him...I'm only human. At the same time, I feel oddly compelled to punch him in the face.
Here's a top 5 list of things not to say during sex:
5. You remind me of Phyllis Diller.
4. Daddy's making a delivery!
3. Remind me to pick up some kitty litter tomorrow.
2. Sieg heil!
1. This is the best thing to happen to me since I got the high score on Q-Bert...woooot!
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