Friday, April 27, 2007

Luis Posada Carriles, US Backed Terrorist

Luis Posada Carriles, the anti-Castro terrorist who killed 73 people when he blew up an airliner back in 1976 is now free. The United States had him in custody up until April 19, when they let him go. He's somewhere in the US, probably Little Havana in Miami, free as a little birdy. This development proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the USA is, pound for pound, more full of shit than any other nation on Earth. And that is really saying something.

Here we have a fellow who was on the CIA payroll when he killed civilians in Cuba in an anti-Castro terrorist campaign. He is wanted in both Cuba and Venezuela for trial (the airliner he blew up was based out of Venezuela). The US is supposed to be in the middle of a "War on Terror," but out of some bizarre Cold War Era impulse we've decided to side with a terrorist in this case.

Because of the recent decision to let him go, there is stuff all over the Internet about Carriles. I've been hearing about him and his case for a while now, through GRANMA International and Hands Off Venezuela! (HOV). In my very humble opinion, this should be the top news story on every television and radio station. But nobody asks me for my opinion, which is why I cram it on people via this blog.


1 comment:

GamerCow said...

What do you expect from a country that uses Waterboarding as a form of "interrogation"?