Thursday, March 15, 2007

Gonzalez and Desk Screwing

They're finally going after Attorney General Gonzalez, and they may have enough to get him to resign. The "they" I'm talking about are the Democrats in Congress, and the press. He may be the worst AG in US history. Coupled with Bush, the worst president, we have got ourselves a deadly combo! One two!

Yesterday, UPS tried to deliver my computer desk when I was out visiting my father in rehab. They left a little "where the fuck were you" note, and said they'd be here today between 2 and 5. Oh, I'll be here. And I'm going to screw that desk together like a desk-screwing maniac. Screw it.

I was reading the paper and feeding the pigeons earlier this morning and I saw a headline in The Metro, in the entertainment section, about Angelina Jolie getting another baby. What the fuck is up with this woman? How many babies can a woman eat?

More later, my pretties.


GamerCow said...

I hope the UPS man brings it to the room you want it in, because those fuckers weigh like 200 pounds.

Unknown said...

oh, mercy.