Friday, December 22, 2006

Surgery Date Now Official

Finally there is a confirmed date for my orchiectomy; January 11, 2007. It's good to have a mere 20 days between me and the end of two decades of testicular tomfoolery. This should have been done when I was in my teens, when there may have even been a chance at saving my fertility. I'm not complaining, though. There's too much suffering all over the damn place to complain about this, I'm just happy to have a target date. Up above you can see exactly what they do in the surgery. I should be on my feet in 2 or 4 days, and completely healed in 2 or 3 weeks. Hey, I've done it before.

My friend Charlie, a female-to-male transexual, just had "top" surgery done. That is, the removal of breast tissue while maintaining nipple sensitivity. It's not as easy as it sounds, but Charlie came out of surgery doing absolutely spectacularly. I think he was up and around the very next day. Naturally, they are very different surgeries, but his strength has inspired me to fight my inclination towards self-pity and get this thing done. Like Charlie, however, I'm a man and I'm going to stay that way. Balls...who needs 'em.

Send me a get well card, people.

My father is another story. We don't have a surgery date for him yet, but his surgery is far more serious than mine. It's for an abdominal aortic aneurysm, a potentially life-threatening condition. There is reason for optimism, though, and with my surgery out of the way soon, I'll be able to aid him during his period of convalescence.

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