Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Events of late have made it difficult for me to contribute to my little 'blog. A massive personal failure has decimated my ego, and without going into incriminating details it reminds me of The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill. In this analogy, I'm not Hickey but rather one of the denizens of Harry Hope's bar, "pipe dreams" and all. Hopefully, I'm not Don, either.

In any event, those close to me for awhile may sense a defeated disposition. As I move about the world, a significant portion of my mind will be engaged in the process of digesting bitter fare; feelings and thoughts that undeniably reveal truths about myself that must be accepted. It's a struggle that must end in reconciliation, between the way I want to be and the way I really am. I'm hoping that eventually I'll be able to take comfort in knowing that it's a common struggle.

1 comment:

Cristina C. Fender said...

I'm struggling right now, too.

You are not alone.