Saturday, June 09, 2007

Pay Phones

Apocalypse Cow beat the shit out of a pay telephone? Excellent! Both of us have a criminal past that involves doing something with or to a pay phone. I wonder if the Cow, like me, was ordered by the court to stay away from pay phones in the future. Like I said previously, I'm innocent of the phone crime, but guilty of the shoplifting. I can definitely see going ape on a pay phone, and seem to remember doing just that in Chicago some years ago. I was far from home and wanted to place a collect call from the bus station. A bus station usually provides an environment conducive to psychotic breakdowns, even under the best conditions.

Right now I'm at my girlfriend's flat while she is at work, and I'm more or less trying to be helpful around the house in her absence.

As has been the case for some time, there will be more later.

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