Thursday, August 23, 2007

Jesus Tiger Man

Earlier this evening I felt compelled to sit through two hours of Christiane Amanpour's "God Warriors: Christians" on CNN. It was very well done and informative, but that's also what made it scary and a leading cause of anxiety in my bedroom. The cats who were with me in the bedroom didn't seemed to be bothered one way or the other. So long there is cat food, wet and dry, and litter, all should be well. But for me, all the talk about evil "secular progressives" (just for the record, I'm at the very least a "secular progressive") made me want to try for the Canadian border. There, I could admit that I'm an existential nihilist, atheist, socialist, and believer in evolutionary biology safe in the bosom of a free country. The people in this country are fit to be tied, if Amanpour is at all correct in her portrayal.

EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY: The author will no longer take part in discussions about Jesus Christ, part of the Holy Trinity and Saviour of Man. He will, however, gladly talk about Jesus the albino tiger trainer and Jesus the IT guy at Salvatore's Jerks and Rubs out of Seacaucus, New Jersey.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hiya Darren:

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. As one atheist cat lover to another, I appreciate it. (I only live with 3 of the furry critters)

Thanks also for the link from your site. I've added you under "Friends of Art Nudes"


Michael B