Friday, February 16, 2007

More Than A Good Run

My brother Kent and I just took my father to the hospital for his aneurysm surgery. It's 8:02am, and it should be underway right now. The procedure is expected to take 5 hours, and Kent is staying with me all day while we wait for word on how he is doing. While Kent sleeps on my bed, I'm checking emails and writing for this 'blog. It's too early to call friends for support. I'm doing fine right now, anyway. A little anxiety is sneaking past the facade of confidence, but nothing I can't handle. Just before I left the hospital this morning, I hugged my father and he said to me, "Don't worry about it, I'll be OK. But if not, I had a good run." I hope his good run has many years ahead of it.

Naturally, as I find out how the operation went I'll post to the blog with new information. In the meantime, just wish my father well.


GamerCow said...

I neglected to wish the best to Kent last night, so I'll wish it to both of you, and your father, today. Here's hoping for a safe operation and a quick recovery.

Hasidic Rebel said...

Still waiting to hear how the surgery went. Hope all's well, and best wishes.